Fascism, The photo

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10-September-2018 Monday
Guards of the Buchenwald concentration camp, captured by prisoners during its release. Germany, 1945

07-August-2018 Tuesday
There is no fascism in Ukraine.

29-April-2018 Sunday
Victory Day

05-March-2018 Monday
Just fascism

27-June-2017 Tuesday

12-April-2017 Wednesday
Jewish Photographer Hid These Photos So The Nazis Wouldn't Find Them

25-June-2015 Thursday
Polish tourists once again visited Stepan Bandera in Munich

20-June-2015 Saturday
Police in Ukraine

09-June-2015 Tuesday
T-shirt is kind of frivolous

23-March-2015 Monday
Mindfulness post

17-October-2014 Friday
There is no fascism in Ukraine, going to work I saw such a picture.

10-October-2014 Friday
If the Nazis had won

09-October-2014 Thursday
Little victims of the information war

06-October-2014 Monday
From the story of a SMERSH veteran

12-June-2014 Thursday
Glory to Ukraine, "Svidomye" nonhumans?

03-June-2014 Tuesday
Irina Kukurudza. Killed by fascists in Luhansk on June 2

28-May-2014 Wednesday
Russian women and children lay flowers on the bodies of American soldiers who liberated them from a German concentration camp.

06-May-2014 Tuesday
Found from an American on Tumblr: "Our fathers fought the Nazis, not voted for them!"

20-February-2014 Thursday

20-November-2013 Wednesday
On November 20, 1945, the Nuremberg Trials began.

29-September-2013 Sunday
Another Germany - pillory

19-March-2013 Tuesday
Once a client comes to us..

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